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Emotion Code

Emotion Code, from Discover Healing – This is an experimental and experiential, modality that the
innate wisdom of a person processes in the order that is needed for a person. It identifies emotions that
are blocking wellness, finds where it is being held, finds out when the emotion became stuck and then
has a protocol that starts the continuous release in a gentle way for the person involved in this balancing
system. It helps free the heart to be better able to give and accept love.

In Touch & In Tune

Intouch and Intune is your trusted partner in traditional midwifery and Body Talk, helping you to discover your inner strength and guiding you through your unique birth journey. We believe in empowering women to make the birth choices that feel right for them. Our midwifery services and energy services are rooted in compassion, understanding, and respect for your individual journey. Release your fears and embrace your power with Intouch and Intune.

At Intouch and Intune, we believe in your power to birth according to the natural physiology and hormonal symphony of birth. 

Our traditional midwifery services are designed to support you on your unique journey, helping you discover your inner strength and release your fears. With us, you're not just birthing a baby, you're birthing a stronger, more confident you.

© 2024 by In Touch and In Tune.  All rights reserved.


Sharon Tenuta Midwife
Sharon Tenuta


Received CPM and LM certification in 2022

Body Talk practitioner - CBP

Educator: to educate, to empower, to balance the Body, Baby, Mind & Spirit.

Website design by Madison Web Works

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