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Sharon Tenuta

What Do You Mean, Fluoride Is Not Safe?

Fluoride in Water

Is this really beneficial?

On November 22, 2016, a coalition including FAN, Food & Water Watch, Organic Consumers Association, American Academy of Environmental Medicine, International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, Moms Against Fluoridation and several individual mothers, filed a petition calling on the EPA to ban the deliberate addition of fluoridating chemicals to the drinking water under provisions in the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). (

Michael Connett, in the video “Fluoride and the Brain”, describes how studies have now shown that fluoride potentially reduces the IQ in children. Over 300 animal and human studies shows how fluoride is neurologically toxic.

How do we as a society combat this if we believe these studies to be factual?

Purifying countertop water systems can work for drinking water. House purifying or reverse osmosis systems can clear water of toxins for the whole house. Finding toothpaste that does not have fluoride or sugar in would be a wise move. There are water filters for home showers as well. Do a metal toxin cleanse for your body system.

But what about people who can not afford such lifestyle changes? We citizens need to support organizations that are working to eliminate fluoride from the local water systems. It is important to speak up for the poor and needy of society.

Taking water from the faucet and letting it sit in the sun for a certain number of hours can help cleanse the water. Look on line for more ideas. UV-A rays from the sun, (Ultraviolet-A, longwave, 315-400 nm), will terminate harmful bacteria, parasites, and viruses in water, given enough sun exposure.

Three Chinese studies have investigated fluoride’s effect on the fetal brain and each has found evidence of significant neurological damage. Interestingly, in the 1960s, the FDA banned the use of prenatal fluoride supplements based on its concern about possible untoward effects on the fetus. .

Even fluoride treatments from the dentist can cause a spike in the fluoride in a child’s system. It also makes the enamel of the tooth extra hard, which seems good. This causes cavities to not appear on the surface of the tooth visibly. But often, the decay finds its way into a tooth and it has the ability to decay the inside of the tooth before it can be observed by the naked eye.

What is a history of fluoride?

Studies have been done for years to understand how bones repair. Berzelius now stated in his textbook "Traité de chimie" that the hard tissues contain fluoride -calculated as calcium fluoride- up to a few tenths of a percent, at the most (1933)

"The presence of fluoride in animals may now be fully accounted for; as it not only enters their bodies in the water they drink, but is contained in the vegetable food, by which, directly or indirectly, the whole animal kingdom is sustained"(Wilson in 1852)

Using Carnot´s method, E. Wrampelmeyer, of Wageningen, analyzed the fluoride contents of sound versus diseased teeth of adults and children. While the fluoride content of diseased teeth of adults (1.18%, 1.14%) was somewhat lower than that of sound teeth (1.36%, 1.37%), the reverse was true in teeth of children (1.55%, 1.24% in diseased teeth; 0.65% in sound teeth). Wrampelmeyer concluded that no conclusion regarding the soundness of the teeth can be drawn from their fluoride content (1).

  1. Wrampelmeyer E.: "Über den Fluorgehalt der Zähne", Z. analyt. Chem. 32 (1893) 550

1903, After earlier reports that sodium fluoride inhibits bacterial metabolism, it came into use as a food preservative. Defended by Grosseron.

1910 -Another analysis of teeth performed by Gassmann using Walter Hempel´s method revealed the same "fluoride" values in teeth as found earlier by other researchers using that procedure (i.e. a few tenths of a percent). However, a closer look at the gas driven off and collected in water showed that it is not silicon fluoride, as earlier authors assumed, but mainly hydrogen chloride, from the chloride contained in tooth enamel. Thus it became obvious that fluorine does not play any role in the resistance of teeth towards dental caries, as its actual amount in teeth is insignificant (1).

(1) Gassmann Th.: "Chemische Untersuchungen über die Anwesenheit von Fluor in den Zähnen", Schweiz. Vjschr. Zahnheilk. 20 (1910) 204

Fluoride and its other uses

1896 – Sodium fluoride and iron fluorides were patented in England as insecticides.

1900 – In US – Sodium fluoride use as cockroach control

1915 – Sodium fluoride use as lice control for poultry.

1924 - Shafer study - "The value of sodium fluosilicate as an insecticide is due to the fact that it is both a contact and stomach poison.

1926 - Because of such habits, toxicity to higher animals became of concern (Marcovitch S.: "The fluosilicates as insecticides", Ind. Eng. Chem. 18 (June 1926) 572-573)

1931 – potassium aluminum fluoride is said to be less toxic for humans than the lead arsenate that had been used to control various insects.

1935 – Substituted fluoride chemical treatment on crops from arsenic related chemicals.

During WWI – Fluoro-DDT was used to control insects of medical importance.

Why is fluoride not good for humans?

Fluoride can cause crippling bone diseases as are currently seen in China and India because of too much fluoride in drinking water. It can cause serious poisoning and even death. Research already shows, in fact, that fluoride can cause arthritic symptoms and bone fracture well before the onset of crippling fluorosis, and can affect many other tissues besides bone and teeth, including the brain and thyroid gland.

There are many people with thyroid diseases in the US and around the world. It has been discovered that any product with fluoride product is detrimental to the thyroid. This includes medications. The reason is that the fluoride is an endocrine disruptor. Fluoride has been used to suppress a hyperthyroid, and therefore there is concern that it has made thyroids underactive as well. It worsens iodine deficiency because the thyroid mistakes fluoride as iodine.

Fluoride as an endocrine disruptor also disrupts the pancreas, pineal gland, and parathyroid glands. “Inhibits insulin secretion, PTH, TH.” The Vanderberg et al. report. The pancreas regulates insulin and blood sugar processing. The pineal gland regulates the melatonin, which helps regulate sleep, and the parathyroid gland regulates the calcium supply of the body.

Keep researching and asking questions. When you find answers, help in the ways you feel called or pulled. Every person is needed to make this a world that is safe for all creatures.

On November 22, 2016, a coalition including FAN, Food & Water Watch, Organic Consumers Association, American Academy of Environmental Medicine, International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, Moms Against Fluoridation and several individual mothers, filed a petition calling on the EPA to ban the deliberate addition of fluoridating chemicals to the drinking water under provisions in the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). (

Michael Connett, in the video “Fluoride and the Brain”, describes how studies have now shown that fluoride potentially reduces the IQ in children. Over 300 animal and human studies shows how fluoride is neurologically toxic.

How do we as a society combat this if we believe these studies to be factual?

Purifying countertop water systems can work for drinking water. House purifying or reverse osmosis systems can clear water of toxins for the whole house. Finding toothpaste that does not have fluoride or sugar in would be a wise move. There are water filters for home showers as well. Do a metal toxin cleanse for your body system.

But what about people who can not afford such lifestyle changes? We citizens need to support organizations that are working to eliminate fluoride from the local water systems. It is important to speak up for the poor and needy of society.

Taking water from the faucet and letting it sit in the sun for a certain number of hours can help cleanse the water. Look on line for more ideas. UV-A rays from the sun, (Ultraviolet-A, longwave, 315-400 nm), will terminate harmful bacteria, parasites, and viruses in water, given enough sun exposure.

Three Chinese studies have investigated fluoride’s effect on the fetal brain and each has found evidence of significant neurological damage. Interestingly, in the 1960s, the FDA banned the use of prenatal fluoride supplements based on its concern about possible untoward effects on the fetus. .

Even fluoride treatments from the dentist can cause a spike in the fluoride in a child’s system. It also makes the enamel of the tooth extra hard, which seems good. This causes cavities to not appear on the surface of the tooth visibly. But often, the decay finds its way into a tooth and it has the ability to decay the inside of the tooth before it can be observed by the naked eye.

What is a history of fluoride?

Studies have been done for years to understand how bones repair. Berzelius now stated in his textbook "Traité de chimie" that the hard tissues contain fluoride -calculated as calcium fluoride- up to a few tenths of a percent, at the most (1933)

"The presence of fluoride in animals may now be fully accounted for; as it not only enters their bodies in the water they drink, but is contained in the vegetable food, by which, directly or indirectly, the whole animal kingdom is sustained"(Wilson in 1852)

Using Carnot´s method, E. Wrampelmeyer, of Wageningen, analyzed the fluoride contents of sound versus diseased teeth of adults and children. While the fluoride content of diseased teeth of adults (1.18%, 1.14%) was somewhat lower than that of sound teeth (1.36%, 1.37%), the reverse was true in teeth of children (1.55%, 1.24% in diseased teeth; 0.65% in sound teeth). Wrampelmeyer concluded that no conclusion regarding the soundness of the teeth can be drawn from their fluoride content (1).

  1. Wrampelmeyer E.: "Über den Fluorgehalt der Zähne", Z. analyt. Chem. 32 (1893) 550

1903, After earlier reports that sodium fluoride inhibits bacterial metabolism, it came into use as a food preservative. Defended by Grosseron.

1910 -Another analysis of teeth performed by Gassmann using Walter Hempel´s method revealed the same "fluoride" values in teeth as found earlier by other researchers using that procedure (i.e. a few tenths of a percent). However, a closer look at the gas driven off and collected in water showed that it is not silicon fluoride, as earlier authors assumed, but mainly hydrogen chloride, from the chloride contained in tooth enamel. Thus it became obvious that fluorine does not play any role in the resistance of teeth towards dental caries, as its actual amount in teeth is insignificant (1).

(1) Gassmann Th.: "Chemische Untersuchungen über die Anwesenheit von Fluor in den Zähnen", Schweiz. Vjschr. Zahnheilk. 20 (1910) 204

Fluoride and its other uses

1896 – Sodium fluoride and iron fluorides were patented in England as insecticides.

1900 – In US – Sodium fluoride use as cockroach control

1915 – Sodium fluoride use as lice control for poultry.

1924 - Shafer study - "The value of sodium fluosilicate as an insecticide is due to the fact that it is both a contact and stomach poison.

1926 - Because of such habits, toxicity to higher animals became of concern (Marcovitch S.: "The fluosilicates as insecticides", Ind. Eng. Chem. 18 (June 1926) 572-573)

1931 – potassium aluminum fluoride is said to be less toxic for humans than the lead arsenate that had been used to control various insects.

1935 – Substituted fluoride chemical treatment on crops from arsenic related chemicals.

During WWI – Fluoro-DDT was used to control insects of medical importance.

Why is fluoride not good for humans?

Fluoride can cause crippling bone diseases as are currently seen in China and India because of too much fluoride in drinking water. It can cause serious poisoning and even death. Research already shows, in fact, that fluoride can cause arthritic symptoms and bone fracture well before the onset of crippling fluorosis, and can affect many other tissues besides bone and teeth, including the brain and thyroid gland.

There are many people with thyroid diseases in the US and around the world. It has been discovered that any product with fluoride product is detrimental to the thyroid. This includes medications. The reason is that the fluoride is an endocrine disruptor. Fluoride has been used to suppress a hyperthyroid, and therefore there is concern that it has made thyroids underactive as well. It worsens iodine deficiency because the thyroid mistakes fluoride as iodine.

Fluoride as an endocrine disruptor also disrupts the pancreas, pineal gland, and parathyroid glands. “Inhibits insulin secretion, PTH, TH.” The Vanderberg et al. report. The pancreas regulates insulin and blood sugar processing. The pineal gland regulates the melatonin, which helps regulate sleep, and the parathyroid gland regulates the calcium supply of the body.

Keep researching and asking questions. When you find answers, help in the ways you feel called or pulled. Every person is needed to make this a world that is safe for all creatures.

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