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A Conception Story

Sharon Tenuta

abstract image of multiplication of cells.
cells on a journey

S. Tenuta



The egg was grown while in the baby girl within her mother when she was a fetus.  That makes the egg about 3 generations old.  The mother holds the eggs that were developed that long ago in the ovaries.  The eggs await the opportunity to be released during one of mother’s menstrual cycles.  If the cycle is healthy, it will release an egg, once every 28 days in what we call a normal menstrual cycle.  Every egg, I imagine awaits its chance to connect with life in the fallopian tube.  It is an adventure for each one that is released.  Most will find that their life’s journey will end with a menstruating mother.  A few will have the opportunity to be changed and directed on another journey into mother’s uterus.

When the sperm are grown, they develop with the most vigorous life when treated and nourished with care.  The sperm want nourishment that helps them be strong, so if their opportunity comes, they can travel up the woman’s vaginal space, into fallopian tubes, and then the first one that penetrates an egg gets to change and grow another human being. 

Hormones have a job in this possible conception time.  Mother’s hormones and the Father’s hormones would be needed to trigger the two people to want to be responsible partners to connect and then to raise children.  In healthy societies and healthy bodies, the hormones get triggered by touching, and doing things together, and holding hands, which can lead to kissing and laughter.  These trigger the oxytocin in the body, which activates the Brain, which is connected to the hypothalamus, and pituitary glands.  These in turn trigger the Follicle stimulating hormones, the Luteinizing hormone and the Releasing hormone of the ovaries.  The thyroid is healthy if the thyroxine and calcitonin are in good balance.  The adrenal glands are part of this healthy formula.  Adrenalin, cortisol and androgens activate from the adrenal glands and the pancreas controls the insulin and glucagon.  Hormone receptors in the cells respond per the messages received.  Steroid hormones are like the glue that holds the functions of the cell together when it receives all these messages. 

Estrogen levels vary greatly throughout the menstrual cycle.  So, the egg that wants to become a human being awaits the day that the estrogen level rises midcycle, hoping for a partner sperm to find it with a similar goal, to reproduce and create a human.  There is about a 5 hour open window for this to happen each month. 

Here is a possible conception story.  It is a scenario imagining how conception brings about this unknown journey for the egg and sperm that made that special connection.  Today is the day.  The egg could sense that it was her turn to be released.  It felt mature and willing to take this journey through the fallopian tubes of mother.  Let’s call the egg Susan.  Susan said good bye to her egg friends and wished them well.  She felt mother’s temperature get warm and then she was quickly released.  At first she was a bit confused as she felt herself falling, but soon there was a suction that brought her into the flow of the gentle flowing follicles that directed her toward the fallopian tube.  She thought this was such a beautiful place.  Then she saw the sperm swimming toward her.  She consciously invited to her egg, only a sperm that had her similar goals of producing a human being.  She put out her good vibes and then she felt several creatures attacking her.  She felt knocked around a bit, but then sure enough, she felt like she was bitten.  The bite was a surprise, and yet welcome.  Suddenly she was transforming.  She felt pulled apart and yet at the same time, fulfilled.  Oh, my this must be what she wished for.

Now Susan was not just an egg, she was a cell that grew quickly.  First 2 cells, then 4, then 8 and then 16.  What a divisive, yet enjoyable experience.  The egg and sperm together, are no longer, but now called a zygote.  For 5 days the cells enjoyed the river raft journey towards the uterus.  On about the 6th day, there was something that stopped the river flow journey and instead, started to grow roots that planted into mother’s uterus.  This was the process of the living human being settling into mother’s uterus, so that its nourishment could then be passed to the developing baby from mother’s system.  The system of connection to mother is unique in that baby gets nourished without passing its blood to mother.  The food gets passed to baby, and the excrement gets passed out through the blood into the placenta, which is similar to a filtering system, so that none of baby’s blood passes directly to mother, just through the placenta. 

Now the zygote cells continue to expand and then shape into the map of the person they developed at the moment of connecting, of conception.  Their cells have a road map to continue to follow.  Each cell in this baby has the information that the baby needs to keep growing, and at certain times, it grows legs, and arms and eyes and the digestive system.  All parts know when they are to develop.  The journey continues as the new human being that both the sperm and egg Susan had wished to experience.

Neither had the idea that this was a dangerous journey. Both were excited to participate in such an adventure.  However, they soon learned that the mother’s emotions were changeable.  One moment, they felt wanted and another moment, they felt the emotion that maybe they would not be able to stay implanted in mother.  They felt her confusion.  They felt her joy, and then her frustration.  They wanted to ask mother what was going on?  They did not know if mom was sick, or not wanting the baby, or being abused, or if dad did not want the baby.  They activated some hormones in their bodies that decided to hold the emotion in the developing liver. 

At a doctor appointment, they felt pushed around. Then they were poked at.  One time they felt a tic, tic, and it wasn’t too bad, but the baby did not know what was going on.  Another time, there was a great vibration of sound sent toward their quiet space.  What was that?  The baby wondered if mom would tell what was going on.  “Mom, I can understand you.  Please let me know what is happening!”

Mom left that examining place.  In the evening, mother was reading a book that told her to talk to her baby.  Babies understand.  Babies will grow better if mom communicates and believes they are intelligent beings.  So, mother explained, “Baby, I am happy you are here.  I want you to know that today, I had a doctor appointment because people say we need to be checked.  The practitioner checked and heard your heart beating.  Then, with the ultrasound machine, I got to see you move on the screen.  That made my heart pound in love for you baby.  I want you to know that this is a bit scary for me, but please don’t be afraid.  I have decided I would want to keep you, love you and take care of you until you can care for yourself.”  With that message, baby relaxed in mother’s uterus and began to grow without fear.  Mother was going to love the baby.  Baby thought, “ I am in for a great adventure.  I really want to know what love is.  I can’t wait to meet my mommy and daddy in person.”

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Sharon Tenuta Midwife
Sharon Tenuta


Received CPM and LM certification in 2022

Body Talk practitioner - CBP

Educator: to educate, to empower, to balance the Body, Baby, Mind & Spirit.

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