S. Tenuta 1-26-25
Being prepared seems daunting. Were we prepared to be conceived? Were we prepared to take the journey to this earth? Were we prepared to meet our parents, to experience the air of the earth and to take our first breath? Did we sit down with an angel or being prior to taking this earthly journey who told us we would have great experiences on this earth, and yet we would have challenges. Were we ready even if we were told to accept this earthly experience?
Preparedness is what we are told to practice. We need to prepare to go to school. We need to prepare to live in community. We need to prepare for high school, for college, for a trip, for our future and for a job. If we want to go to the military, we need to pass certain exams, tests of endurance, and emotional tests. We must show leadership and group support. We prepare by studying, by exercising, by working and leading.
If a person is preparing to be a parent, it is wise to take classes that help bring to attention things that need to be thought about. Often, we are not prepared for the endeavor of marriage and parenthood. If you think of people who go into a religious order, the candidates have several years of being a novice, practicing and participating in the group and activities. After several years of a rigorous experience with the group and discerning, only then do they make final vows. We have seen, that even with preparation, still people change their minds midstream after their commitments. Parenting could use a little of that rigor and reflection for soon to be married couples. Our society currently suffers due to the lack of people understanding the preparedness and commitment needed for marriage.
For the job of leading people in ways that are not taught in school, a person must study from sources that are found to be of integrity. From whatever experience, study, or beliefs that we have gained from life, we get to choose what topics we focus on. Thinking out of the box can often help gain the better understanding for these out of school and out of popular teachings and beliefs. The topics are totally interesting to the person preparing along this avenue of study. To those engrained with the culture, and who believes popular news media, however, the ideas may seem uninformed. Yet who is uninformed? Is it the person who has studied the alternative information or is it the person who doubts that out of the box ideas could bear truth?
Preparedness for Midwifery has a promoted way to learn the trade. Go to a school. Study what is presented. Work with a preceptor, and keep track of your experience. Share that with the NARM organization or another Midwifery group. Pay money. Then pass an exam. If you pass, you are considered a Midwife. Now this is good, but is it all that makes for a midwife? I have found there are also other characteristics that create a midwife. Yes, do study the physiology of birth. Study the ways to help when needed. Know the CPR and NRP protocols. But do also, get in touch with your own person.
Ways a person gets in touch with self include different routes than what are offered in most schools or learning programs. Here are ideas. Learn your entry to this world. Learn what causes you stress. Process your own pain or traumas or blockages of life. Forgive those who have hurt you and forgive yourself. Ask questions. Meditate, pray and recognize your intuitive nature. Can you trust your intuition? Do you know how that feels? Will you listen to its wisdom? Take classes that pique your interest. Study things that were not presented in school. For example, Breech without Borders has a grand online community to reteach Breech to those who want to offer and learn this skill that has been almost lost in much of the world.
There are many ways to heal from brokenness. Why think about this topic? Mostly, so midwives do not negatively affect a birth that they are attending. Energies of people can be felt by others. Positive energies help the births to flow.
Alternative cares that can support birth, follow: Chinese wisdom, the Ayurvedic system, chiropractic care, acupressure or accupunture systems. Energy work with cranial sacral, Body Talk, Emotion Code, and many other modalities, aid the person becoming a midwife to be prepared. For some people, attending birth could be part of their healing journey. For others, the observation of birth causes fear. That fear is not wanted in a mother’s birthing room. Do check with your intuition to determine what modalities could be used to your benefit. Then set up an appointment and move forward.
For health, our bodies need to constantly be prepared to fight off diseases, infections and toxins. Are we thinking about keeping our body strong by eating foods that are good for us, so that our body chemistry can fight off things that interfere with our health? If we are sick, it is wise to reflect and figure out what caused the stress to your body. If you figure it out, then you can know what to avoid. If you have not been eating well, start to prepare your body immediately and train your brain, and tastebuds to eat and drink that which strengthens the immune system. Foods, exercise, relaxation and sleep will keep the body in a preparedness state. If the body’s immune system is strong, it has the probability of remaining healthy, even when viruses and disease pass through a community.
Why else keep being prepared? And for what? Preparedness helps a person get work, do work, be protected, be successful and to be adaptable to change. Preparedness is much easier to accept as ready, if we have made adjustments in life, if we found ways to heal our diseases, traumas, emotions, and scars. If we have forgiven others, that readies us for any next step in life or in death. Our ultimate preparedness practice during life, is ultimately to help us prepare for the next journey that we call death.
At whatever stage a person is in life, it is wise to learn how to be prepared. Learn your habits and gifts and characteristic traits. Then prepare what must be prepared so you can use your habits, gifts and traits to practice readiness. Be prepared in the many ways mentioned, but most of all, learn of your personal needs and qualities. Be prepared according to what your innate wisdom tells you. With your intuition being used, you can confidently determine what you need to get ready for next. Be open to receive the information and have fun using such tools. Be prepared.
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