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Sharon Tenuta

Empowering birth

newborn with excited mother
newborn with empowered mother


S. Tenuta


We all have been born.  In a sense we all had empowering births.  But the title itself gives the idea that only a few have empowering births.  Each birth is unique and different.  Some are natural and allowed to just happen.  Others, have complicated twists and turns and long journeys.  Who can be empowered by a complicated and drawn out birth?  How can that be empowering?


Each person born has the imprint of their beginning in their nature, their experiences, their emotional make up, and their ability to feel confident in life.  A person born early (before week 37 in the birthing world), may have tendencies of wanting to be early for events throughout life.  A person who was born after 42 weeks per the birthing calculations, may desire to be more layed back and analytical, taking their time to make decisions.  A person who was born by a cesarean section may feel like no matter what that person does in life is not enough, as that baby did not get to finish the journey in the normal vaginal birth path.  Someone else put the birth time onto this child’s path and the child feels out of control of life, and unvalidated as being important and able to make important decisions.  Our bodies, organs, muscles and consciousness carry all our muscle memories.  Each person was empowered to live with certain characteristics by the way they were empowered from conception and throughout their birth journey.


So, what is an empowered birth.  Who gets empowered?  Both mother and child get imprinted at birth and during the birth journey.  A woman who wants to be empowered learns all the ways that are put in her path to have knowledge about the process of birth, of being in tune with baby, of becoming intuitive and wise as a woman preparing to be a mother each time she is pregnant. She may learn the tools that help her relax. She may learn to meditate.  She may listen to baby’s messages as baby kicks or sends intuitive messages (mother recognizes when baby is telling her something is right or wrong).  Mother may be one who does everything the medical establishment tells her to do or she may be one who picks and chooses her care, knowing that she and baby are communicating just fine.  The mother may be one who totally trusts that the birth process is natural and normal for women and that her body is prepared and healthy and ready for this new journey to being a mother for the first time or again.  She may be one who is totally in tune with the fact that we all are born.   And we are all born to die.  Death is part of the birth journey as well.  Recognizing all the possibilities of birth can be empowering.


As mother experiences this pregnancy, she is able to go with the flow of this journey, with its twists and turns, its normalcy, or its messages of needing more care.  When mother is in tune and able to adapt to the circumstances, and when she is treated with dignity no matter what her birth choices or experiences are, she is able to be empowered.  Being treating as a person with dignity, as a person of knowing, of journeying, of being intelligent or intuitive are all empowering to mother.  These are tools needed to be a mother of an empowering birth.


So what about baby?  Baby gets imprinted with its journey from conception to birth and onward as well.  When baby is conceived, baby then feels all of mother’s emotions and anything mother’s nervous system experiences.  Baby does not decipher if the emotions are mother’s or baby’s.  Baby can only determine if the emotions belong to him if mother explains to baby what is happening.  If the mother experiences a trauma, it is important for mother to explain to baby that mother still loves baby, but baby does not need to take on the emotion.  Mother is dealing with the situation and baby can keep growing in a safe environment.  Mother’s emotions matter, but keeping them separated from baby taking them on, can allow the free flow of the birth journey.  Sometimes mother’s emotional blocks can be what holds up a labor and birth of a baby.  Issues unresolved tend to show up at labor and birth journeys.


The same is true as baby births.  If baby is able to make decisions, about how long it takes to come earthside, about what turns to take, about how to resolve any birth journey challenges, then baby is imprinted in its body that he is a problem solver, that he is trusted, and that he can be confident in himself.  Baby’s do have a consciousness that guides them.  It is as if they really are intelligent already, and really we are the ones who get to discover how smart they are.  This learning the language of earth can be a complication, as we on earth think we are smarter than the baby.  Communication seems to be the inherent challenge, even for us adults. Letting go and listening during the experience of birth allows for an empowering birth for baby.


Now, if a person discovers that there are things they would like to resolve from their own life or personal journey of pregnancy, labor and birth, there are tools on this earth that people carry or have learned that can help a person resolve and process the details of these situations so that a person can make changes emotionally, and physically and consciously.   There are programs that people have gone through to actually rebirth, or retrain the brain or muscles, so they can let go of blockages in life that seem extra challenging and confusing.  Some people have experienced hypnosis and resolved the why’s in life that did not make sense to them.  Body Talk can help make connections in the body so a person can identify what the innate mind wants to balance for a person, in the order that it sees as best.  Meditation and prayer are also tools to healing.  In Touch and In Tune does have tools that may be of interest to some people.  This is a business of a midwife, doula, body talk practitioner, and consultant for health suggestion.  If you want more information from In Touch and In Tune, do check out the website information and make contact with: In Touch and In Tune.

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