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Sharon Tenuta

Nutrition Consciousness for Birth and Health

kebob plate
food variety

S. Tenuta  8-12-24


I imagine, I just discovered I have a diagnosed disease.  Oh no!  Are drugs the only way to balance my body for the rest of my life?  I am going to search for other solutions.  Here are options I have found that could enhance a person’s nutrition consciousness for birth and health.

In school I learned of the food pyramid.  It had breads at the bottom and a little protein with oils at the top of the pyramid. (Wikipedia)  Now there are many more options for food pyramids.  A pyramid that seems more healthy now, is one that has fruits, veggies, good fats and some whole grains at the bottom of the pyramid, while the red meats, refined grains, and sugars are at the top for sparing use. ( )  There is also the Mediteranean diet which many people believe helps their health.  People also go to diets to help manage their weights.  These short-term fixes don’t take care of long-term solutions.

Then, there are those who adhere to the idea of eating certain foods for certain blood types.  The B blood types tend to need more meats for their diets, while the A blood types need more veggies and less meats. (Eat Right 4 Your Blood Type by Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo)  All people, do need proteins in various forms to feed the cells of the body.  Proteins are involved in every cellular process such as replicating and transcribing DNA, and producing, processing and secreting other proteins that are funneled and formed through enzymatic processes of the body.  Proteins also provide communication between the different cells, tissues and organs.  Since every cell needs protein to survive, if food for the cell runs low, the cell reuses and digests its own cytoplasm.  This cellular self-eating is called autophagy.  This membrane pouch forms inside the cell and swallows some cytoplasm.

Culturally, per advertising on TV and other media sources, one would think the sugar drinks, the imitation sugar drinks, the chips, and drugs are the best way to survive on this earth.  These foods even cost less and they need no preparation to devour them.  However, this is not in tune with the body for health.  These ads for eating seem to enhance our lack of health.  All we need to do is look around at all the hospitals, ER’s, and Insurance buildings around towns.  Also, we see people who struggle to get around, many overweight.

Instead, consuming foods that are naturally grown are better for our bodies.  They contain living cells that can communicate with our bodies in healthy ways.  They can leave their healthy imprints in our bodies.  Cells continue to grow and update.  If we eat healthful food regularly, we would have a new and healthy body every 7 years.  If foods are grown in healthy soils, our bodies can be even healthier.  Healthy soils contain lots of living organic matter.  When fields are sprayed to eliminate bugs on the plants, the living matter is killed.  The soil becomes depleted and no matter how healthy the plants look, they will not contain the proper nutrient balances in their food products.

Food grown from regenerative farms has healthy living organisms in the soils.  The soils are able to take in the carbon from the air, and the nutrients in the soils are increased through this process.  Toxins are not used to destroy the plants surrounding the gardened plants. Weeds are left in the surrounding areas to absorb the needed carbon for the soils.  This is a process contrary to what I learned growing up and gardening.  But to me it now makes sense.

Even better for us would be to grow our own foods in our own backyards using the best methods for healthy living organisms in the soils and the most nutritious plants and foods.  These plants would have our tender love, surrounded by living organisms, and the carbon content of our own backyards.  The leaves have the ability to change their cellular intake and production as the foliage adjusts to the air content.  Then, for people living in that area, their bodies adjust to these foods, which are able to adjust their bodies for the weather in that area as well.  I once read where a person was often cold wherever they lived.  When they moved to Montana and ate the food from the land, they were then able to tolerate the weather in that area.  It is said that eating the food from the area helped their body to adjust to the weather.  Our world sure has been made intricately and amazingly.  If we can adjust our minds to realizing the earth’s wisdom, I believe we could be wiser too. (Book:  The Grow System, Marjorie Wildcraft )

When I work with the midwives and clients for birth, we discuss nutrition often.  There is a program which highly encouraged the women to eat lots of protein for themselves and their babys’ healthy development.  It was called the Brewer Diet.  Some say the diet has its weaknesses, as not all people of all cultures are able to eat dairy and other foods.  But it is a good tool to get enough protein and food variety into one’s pregnancy diet.  I tend to suggest that women eat at least 7 proteins a day.  The portion is the size of the palm of the hand per each mommy.  Also, I suggest eating lots of veggies, and a variety of veggies.  Fruits, eaten sparingly are fine.  They are tasty, but since they process into sugars in the body, one must be cautious how many are beneficial.  Good oils are necessary to consume as they supply calories and essential fats and help the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E and K. 

There is much to learn about foods and nutrition.  This is a sampling of what has come to my awareness in nutrition consciousness for health and birth.  Check out In Touch and In Tune if you want to have a conversation about health or pregnancy.  Become personally empowered and keep researching for your conscious eating. Nutritious consciousness for birth and health does pay off.

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