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Sharon Tenuta

Rediscover the Red Raspberry Riches

Updated: Aug 30, 2023

raspberry patch
Red raspberry leaves

I looked out my window, I observed the weather, it was spring, cloudy and dry, and the raspberry leaves seemed to be saying, it is time to pick us if you want to dry some leaves for tea.

So, I went to my garden, and wondered what leaves to cut, and then it came to me, cut the ones that are reaching into the walkway. Oh my, it seemed they gave me the answer. So, I trimmed the branches that were along the pathway, and then trimmed the leaves off the branches readying them to be dehydrated. I put the dried leaves in a container to save for use later in the winter. This will be available for the benefit of anyone needing the boost that raspberry leaves can give.

Who would benefit from raspberry leaf tea? This is what I discovered.

Red raspberry leaf has been used as a folk remedy for hundreds of years as is both an astringent and a stimulant. Therefore it has the ability to relax tight uterine muscles and also to tighten relaxed uterine muscles. Thus is can be used throughout both pregnancy and labor. It is useful as a pregnancy tea tonic, an addition to a smoothy and part of a cream liniment for varicose veins. “In pregnancy, the infusion, when taken regularly will quiet premature pains and will produce a safe, speedy and easy delivery.” says Dr. Christopher.

The tea is very gentle and because of that it is useful for children to drink in cases of stomach complaints. It also helps cleanse the system when a person has a cold sore. It can be used to swish an eye with foreign particles in it.

For a newly pregnant mother, who is having morning sickness, the Raspberry leaf can help relieve the nausea. It is a toner for the reproductive organs, is said to help against sterility, is helpful for both men and women to conceive, and is an aid to bring out the placenta after birth.

If a mom is nursing and she notices baby does not seem satisfied, Red Raspberry leaf mixed with Marshmallow tea are said to enrich the mother’s milk content. (Christopher)

If a teen has acne, this is a time the hormones are changing and then teens crave foods and usually satisfy themselves with fast foods and sweets which really do not satisfy the body. Red Raspberry tea during puberty is suggested to be taken six days a week. The tea will aid in supplying natural hormone and estrogen materials to the body’s system, good for both males and females.

Native Americans used the Red raspberry leaf and root to treat bowel trouble, such as dysentery and diarrhea. The leaves contain high amounts of” iron, manganese, and niacin, and high quantities of magnesium, selenium, vitamin A and vitamin C. “

Other folk remedies, not documented and recorded through research are: use for GI disorders, respiratory tract issues, cardiovascular system proper functioning, mouth and throat sores, skin rashes, and inflammation. It has been used for influenza, fever, menstrual problems, diabetes, vitamin deficiencies, as a diuretic and to purify the skin and blood.

There are contradictory opinions on the regular use of raspberry leaf tea during pregnancy. Some say there is just not enough scientific evidence for pregnant women to use the tea. It does have a higher tannin content. If a person learns how to test themselves for whether the tea is right for them, then there will be certainty whether the tea is ok for the intended individual to drink or not.

Red Raspberry, as it grows so wild in may places, may be standing ready for us to re-discover its riches that it wants to share with us.


Anthony J. Cichoke, D.C., Ph.D, Secrets of Native American Herbal Remedies

Dr. John Christopher publications

Jeannine Parvati, Hygieia, a Woman’s Herbal

Phyllis Balch, Prescription for Herbal Healing 2nd edition

Phyllis Heitkamp, Wisconsin Medicinal Herbs

Rosemary Gladstar, Medicinal Herbs, a beginner’s guide

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